Luxmeter “TKA-Lux / Etalon”
A device for verifying (calibrating) RSI illumination created by standard OI sources with different color temperatures, located along the normal to the sensitive area of the radiation receiver.
Price includes service software. After transferring the unit to FSUE “NIIOFI” it can be certified as a working standard of the 1st category.
- TU 4437-005-16796024-2006- (E)
- Description
- Appointment
- Условия эксплуатации
- Комплектация
- Документация
Range of transmitted illumination (type A, normal) | 1.0 ÷ 50,000 lx |
Total relative error of the device (no more) | ± 2.6% |
including the relative error caused by the nonlinearity of the sensitivity of the device (no more) | ± 0.5% |
including the relative measurement error caused by the deviation of the relative spectral sensitivity from the relative spectral luminous efficiency (no more) | ± 1.1% |
including the basic relative error in measuring the illumination created by a type A optical radiation source, (no more) | ± 2.0% |
Overall dimensions of the device
Measuring unit | 160 x 85 x 30 mm |
Photometric head | ∅ 36 x 21 mm |
Device weight (no more) | 0.45 kg |
Battery – Krona battery standard size | 9 in |
Checking the device
Calibration of the “TKA-Lux / Etalon” Luxmeter is carried out in accordance with the MP “Luxmeter” TKA-Lux / Etalon “. Verification Methodology ”at VNIIOFI, Moscow.
Calibration interval – 1 year.
Significant advantages of the TKA-Lux / Etalon Luxmeter over analogues
Reliable and easy to operate. Affordable price.
The device can be connected via a half-duplex synchronous serial interface to a computer or other controller.
The light meter, which you can buy on our website, fully complies with GOST requirements for assembly quality. The high-precision system allows transmitting the illumination level with minimal errors (GHG 2.0%). The device calculates the illumination level directly, therefore the results are determined very quickly and accurately.
The device is intended for verification (calibration) of working means of measuring illumination created by standard sources of optical radiation with different color temperatures, located along the normal to the sensitive area of the radiation receiver, by the method of direct measurements.
After transferring the unit to FSUE “VNIIOFI” it can be certified as a working standard of the 1st category in accordance with the State verification scheme for measuring instruments of light quantities of continuous and pulsed radiation.
Условия эксплуатации
Температура окружающего воздуха | +22 ± 2 °С |
Относительная влажность воздуха при температуре окружающего воздуха +25 °С | до 85 % |
Атмосферное давление | 101.4 ± 4 кПа |
- Люксметр «ТКА-Люкс/Эталон»
- Щелочной элемент питания типа “Крона” (6F22)
- Руководство по эксплуатации
- Паспорт
- Носитель информации с программным обеспечением
- Кабель последовательного порта
- Сумка для прибора
- Транспортная тара
Нормативные и технические документы прибора Люксметр “ТКА-Люкс/Эталон”
- ГПС «Государственная поверочная схема для средств измерений световых величин непрерывного и импульсного излучений», утв. Приказом Росстандарта от 30.12.2019 № 3460.
- ТУ 4437-005-16796024-2006-(Э) Люксметр “ТКА-Люкс/Эталон”. Технические условия”.