Wet gas generator “TKA-GVL-01-1”

Wet gas generator “TKA-GVL-01-1”




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The generator is included in the register of the SI RF as  working standards of the 1st category .
Designed to create a steam-air flow with a certain relative humidity by mixing two air flows, dry and wet. Does not require connection of external gas lines or compressed gas cylinders.
Price includes verification. For an additional fee, we will deliver and debug the device at the workplace.

  • No. 54028-13 in the State Register of Measuring Instruments of the Russian Federation
  • The cost of commissioning and delivery is not included
  • EAEU Declaration N RU D-RU.AB72.B.12442 until 02.10.2022
  • Nomenclature of goods subject to foreign trade code EAES 8543709000
  • TU YUSUK.16796024.001-2013

Overview of the device (eng 2:50 m.)

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      Main technical characteristics

      Range of reproduction of relative humidity from 1 to 100%
      Limits of permissible basic absolute error ± 1.0% rel. ow.
      Discreteness of setting the relative humidity ± 0.5 rel. ow.
      RH level setting step 1.0 rel. ow.
      Number of working chambers 6
      Diameters of probes of devices installed in working chambers from 5 to 32 mm
      Instrument supply voltage from 190 to 230 V, 50 Hz
      Power consumption (no more) fifty
      Overall dimensions (Length x Width x Height) (no more) 570x440x515 mm
      Weight (no more) 30 Kg


      • Electronic control of the generator, two-way communication with a PC.
      • Does not require connection of external gas lines or compressed gas cylinders.
      • High accuracy thanks to individually calibrated measurement channels.
      • Wide range of gas humidity reproduction.
      • The ability to control the operation of the generator in manual, autonomous (the generator independently calculates the required operating modes according to the given initial data) and in automatic (from a personal computer) modes.
      • Long service life.
      • Leader in quality / price ratio.
      • Manufacturer support.

      A device that generates a stream of steam and air with the desired level of humidity is called a wet gas generator. The principle of its operation is based on mixing dry and humidified air flows, and devices of this type are considered to be the standards of the first category. The scope of their application is limited to industrial and scientific research: a wet gas generator can be found in laboratories of research institutes, in metrological organizations, as well as in enterprises where calibration and verification of means that measure air humidity are required. The model presented on our website has a number of advantages:
      Control by means of an electronic module.

      • No need to connect external gas tanks.
      • High-precision instrument readings.
      • Three-mode principle of operation with a choice of one of the control methods.
      • Constant technical support and regular firmware updates.
      • Long service life.
      • Affordable price for an extended set of functions and device verification.

      The generator is manufactured in full compliance with quality standards and has a factory warranty. You can order this device from us quickly and easily, and for an additional fee we will deliver and debug the device at the workplace.

      The wet gas generator is designed to create a steam-air flow with a certain relative humidity by mixing two air flows, dry and wet. The generator is included in the register of the SI RF as working standards of the 1st category.

      The modification of the TKA-GVL-01-1 wet gas generator is equipped with an exemplary high-precision thermo-hygrometer manufactured by  Rotronic of the HygroPalm modification.

      Calibration, calibration and verification of relative humidity meters, in testing laboratories, in the centers of standardization and metrology, in production.

      Wet gas generators have software:

      1. Built-in – “RH Gen 01” program written in the EPROM of the device microcontroller;
      2. Standalone – “TKA RH Generator” program for installation on a PC running Microsoft Windows.

      The built-in software was developed by the manufacturer of the device to solve the problems of creating and maintaining a vapor-air flow with a certain relative humidity. The software controls the operation of the microprocessor, which ensures the functioning of the entire device and the functions of displaying the results of moisture measurements on the indicator of the device, as well as preparing them for reading by an external PC.

      Standalone software is used to solve the following tasks:

      • Displaying information on the PC display, as well as saving the generator data in the permanent memory;
      • View sensor signals and other diagnostic parameters.

      The influence of the built-in software is taken into account when standardizing the metrological characteristics of the generators.